Our team is here to work with you so that you can have the best possible health.
DR Amish Patel (Male)
Elisabeth Isopo (Female)
RGN/ Nurse Prescriber
Physician Associate
Sumanpreet Bath
Samson Oyeledun
- Blood test requests
- Blood test results
- MRI / US / X ray results
- Stomach issues - diarrhoea, constipation
- Cough, colds, chest infections
Practice Manager
Janice Phillips
Other team members
Deputy Practice Manager
Barbara Ives
Reception Manager
Quality Of Care (QOF) Manager
Sidra Ghafoor
Medical Secretaries
Sunita Kaur
Ya-seen Harichane
Anita Kaur
Blood pressure and general checks
Samson Oyeledun
Kelly Gasper & Sayeed Syduzzaman
- Joint pain - Back, shoulder, neck hip, elbow
- Muscle pain
- Assessment & treatment, provide exercise
Social Prescriber
Farah Ahmed
- Housing
- Wellbeing Activities
- Carer Support
- Advocacy services/ form filling services to those with language barriers
- Domestic Abuse
- Courses and employment
Sughra Hussain & Agnes Acheampong
- Asthma /COPD
- Medication revies
Health lifestyle advice
Olivera Kegey
Reception Staff
Jackie Lowman
Freddie Lowman
Sherill Henriques-Woolcock